We believe that every young man has the potential to become a leader of extraordinary character.

Who we are

We are the premier organization based on timeless principles, committed to developing and inspiring leadership, team building, and networking for young men ages 12 – 21.

We strive to not only create leaders, but extraordinary leaders of character.

About DeMolay


DeMolay, the premier international youth leadership organization, striving to shape young men into leaders of character.

By epitomizing timeless values, and accepting the challenge of leadership – both of character and of action – the young men of DeMolay transform themselves into citizens of the highest caliber.


With thousands of members worldwide, our approach is simple: give them the tools to lead, and the guidance to succeed.

Our success over the past one hundred years wasn’t due to just sheer coincidence. Our members take ownership of their DeMolay experience. From generating ideas, planning events, coordinating logistics, and executing their plans, each DeMolay Chapter is responsible for defining their success. All of this is accomplished under the mentorship of trained Advisors, selected from the local community, enabling each Chapter to be uniquely tailored to support the interests of its members.

DeMolay Values


The Order of DeMolay teaches seven core values, which we call cardinal virtues, as the basis of good character.

Filial Love







Our Organization


We are truly a brotherhood without borders, with members from all over the world.

There are hundreds of thousands of members, advisors, alumni members and supporters worldwide. While the DeMolay program is International, every member belongs to a Chapter, which is close in proximity to their location. It is our Chapters that host fun events, fundraisers, charity drives and much more to impact their communities!

Curious to Join DeMolay?

Our History

Hall of Fame

Frequently Asked Questions about DeMolay

What is DeMolay?

DeMolay is an international youth organization dedicated to developing young men into leaders of character. Established in 1919 in Kansas City, Missouri by Frank S. Land, DeMolay combines serious leadership development with fun and friendship. Chapters empower members ages 12-21 to take ownership of planning and executing activities based on their interests, under the guidance of trained advisors. DeMolay builds civic awareness, personal responsibility and public speaking skills through community service initiatives, athletic competitions, leadership training and more.

Notable alumni include Walt Disney, John Wayne, Walter Cronkite, football Hall-of-Famer Fran Tarkenton and many other successful men who credit DeMolay as life-changing.

No, DeMolay is open to young men of any religion who believe in a higher power. DeMolay focuses on moral virtues and character building rather than religious doctrine. Members include various faiths such as Christian, Jewish, Hindu and Buddhist.

DeMolay chapters are youth-run and adult-advised. Members elect chapter officers every 6 months to lead meetings, coordinate event planning, and make decisions voted on by all members. Advisors provide guidance but avoid interference. This teaches planning, accountability, teamwork and democracy. Jurisdictions and advisory councils offer additional support through leadership camps, competitions, guidelines and resources.

DeMolay chapters charge a one-time Life Membership Fee, that covers the cost of their entrance into DeMolay, insurance, and service fees. Additional funding comes from fundraising activities, donations, event fees, and support from affiliated nonprofits like DeMolay parent organizations and local Masonic groups. Members may pursue outside scholarships and grants.

DeMolay offers a wide range of activities for young men with diverse interests. Chapters plan their own programs based on members’ preferences which may include community service projects, social events, outdoor adventures, skill-building workshops, public speaking, leadership conferences, athletic tournaments, and more. Members gain practical life skills while bonding through shared interests.

DeMolay membership is open to young men ages 12 to 21. Once a member reaches the age of 21, the are considered a Majority Member or a “Senior DeMolay.” If the majority member chooses to do so and after successfully completing an advisor‘s training program, they can be a certified DeMolay Advisor.

Contact your local chapter directly or reach out to your state DeMolay office to begin the membership process. You can also express interest through the DeMolay website to be connected with a nearby chapter. Joining simply requires filling out an application, paying membership dues, and participating in an initiation ceremony.

DeMolay relies on dedicated volunteer advisors, fundraising support, and donations from individuals and groups. All U.S. DeMolay entities fall under the 501(c)(3) DeMolay Foundation which makes contributions tax-deductible. You can donate directly through chapters or via the jurisdiction/national foundations. Volunteers can serve as chapter advisors, program support, drivers etc.

Visit the websites below for detailed information on DeMolay history, programs, events, news and more:


beademolay.org (International Site)

The DeMolay Foundation of California, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization established to support the programs and operations of DeMolay in Northern California. The Foundation provides essential funding for leadership training, marketing materials, insurance and risk management, scholarships, new chapter establishment and other growth initiatives. Donations to the DeMolay Foundation of California, Inc. are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Some well known former DeMolays include filmmaker Walt Disney, actor John Wayne, news anchor Walter Cronkite, Former President of the United States Bill Clinton, WWE Wrestler – “The Undertaker” Mark William Calaway, Apollo 11 astronaut Frank Borman, Antarctic explorer Admiral Richard Byrd,管author John Steinbeck along with many other successful men across industries like entertainment, business, science, politics, sports and more.

While independently operated, DeMolay was originally sponsored by the Scottish Rite Masonic bodies and maintains close fraternal ties to various Masonic organizations today. These partnerships make shared facility use, fundraising support, scholarships, advisor volunteers and other resources available to chapters nationwide. Groups like the Scottish Rite, York Rite, Shriners and Eastern Star support DeMolay’s mission to empower young people.

DeMolay has a merit-based honor system to acknowledge members’ hard work and dedication. Awards include the Representative DeMolay Award (RDA), Lamp of Knowledge, Founder’s Membership Award (FMA), Blue Honor Key and Legion of Honor. Members who show continued service and leadership can earn the degree of Chevalier. Adults can also receive honorary legion degrees for supporting DeMolay.

Starting a DeMolay chapter requires finding a sponsoring body, gathering interested young men and their parents, selecting Advisory Council members and submitting forms/fees to DeMolay International. The Northern California DeMolay office can guide you through the full process from recruiting to holding an institution ceremony for new members. Certain criteria help determine an area’s readiness to host a successful chapter long-term.

DeMolay was founded in Kansas City in 1919 by Frank S. Land. Land hired Louis Lower, a teen who lost his father, to work part-time jobs at the Scottish Rite Temple. Learning that Lower’s friends also sought mentors, Land suggested starting a club. Lower convened his friends and they decided to name the new Order after Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the medieval Knights Templar who embodied loyalty and integrity. The group grew rapidly to over 1,000 chapters nationwide today.

The organization is named after Jacques de Molay, the final Grand Master of the Knights Templar, a medieval military order. De Molay was known for his dedication to his comrades and willingness to die for his principles when King Philip IV had him executed in 1314. The founding youth group admired these traits and chose the name in his honor.

What are some key activities DeMolay offers?

  • Athletic programs like sports tournaments, camping trips, 5K runs etc.
  • Public speaking training and competitions
  • Community service projects
  • Leadership development workshops
  • Social events like dances, game nights, movie screenings etc.
  • Masonic engagement through facility sharing, scholarships, partnerships
  • Job shadowing, college prep and mentoring initiatives
  • Fundraising for causes and events
  • Ritual ceremonies teaching DeMolay history and values

Parents are encouraged to support their son’s membership by attending induction ceremonies, volunteering as needed and engaging with advisors. Many chapters have Parent’s Clubs to help with fundraising, supplies, transportation and more. Parents can also become Advisors after training. Their involvement ensures success across all chapter activities.

Critical values instilled through DeMolay membership include:

  • Civic service and stewardship
  • Personal responsibility and self-governance
  • Revere and respect for spiritual faith and values
  • Trustworthiness and honesty
  • Justice, equality and moral virtues
  • Loyalty to family, friends and nation
  • Patriotism for democratic ideals


George Lange
George Lange1969
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Comradery and good times. I also learner leadership skills that shaped my life.

Life-long friendships and treasured mentor associations.
Shelby Helms
Shelby Helms2015
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DeMolay was home. It’s where my friends and family came together to support, bond and play together!

DeMolay gave me the ability to see the leadership within myself. As a single child and the Mom of one son, DeMolay gave me the huge family I always wanted. I now have multiple sons and daughters, brothers and sisters and some of the best, lifelong friends I could ever ask for.
Dave Killmer
Dave KillmerOctober 1983
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A group of friends I could trust. A place where I could feel safe to fail and be celebrated when I succeeded

DeMolay provided me with the skills that tested my abilities, a friend group that now is part of my family, and virtues that would become the foundation of a life of service.
Brett Grimm
Brett GrimmMarch 2015
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DeMolay provided me with valuable life skills like public speaking, event planning, budgeting, and social etiquette all before I had even graduated high school. Most importantly though, DeMolay provided me with lifelong friends and role models that I still keep in touch with today and continue to look up to.

The skills that DeMolay helped me develop made me stand out as a candidate for college and potential careers. The lessons and values of DeMolay prepared me far beyond my peers to take on the challenges that face a young adult in the twenty first century.
David Lovatt
David LovattSeptember 1979
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DeMolay was my social outlet. Friends who were fun to be with and even though many of them were not local they were always the ones who provded the best memories. It was those friends that I wanted to spend time with.

Life.....my job, meeting my wife, my personal skills were all related to and developed thru my involment with DeMolay. DeMolay taugh me how to plan events and track details. It is those skills that provided the tools I needed to be successful at work.Today my closest friends are those who shared my love of the organization.
Nolan Clark
Nolan ClarkMay 2011
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DeMolay provided a place for me to learn important lessons of community service, brotherhood, and mutual respect from great male role models. It also offered a setting in which I could practice the valuable skills of public speaking, meeting administration, leadership, and event planning. Maybe most importantly, DeMolay was a space where I could flourish as myself, and feel respected and supported as a young man growing into adulthood.

The skills and values I learned in DeMolay still serve me well today. I now work in an environment where my public speaking abilities are put into practice daily, and I truly believe these skills were first nourished in DeMolay. Furthermore, the values of service, respect, and comradeship are all valuable tenets in my professional life, where I strive to be an effective and respected public servant.
Randy Weissman
Randy WeissmanJune 1983
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Leadership skills and a sense of belonging and worth.

Friends for life.
Jeff Milde
Jeff MildeOctober 1986
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DeMolay provided me with unique opportunities that helped me develop self confidence as a young man.

I've received so much from DeMolay. including meeting my wife and many life-long friends. The biggest thing that I got out of my time with DeMolay was expereince. Experience in travel, expereince in leadership, experience working with people, expereince in public speaking, all while having fun and doing good work in the community. It is that variety of experience that made me more well-rounded individual.
Steven L. Yeffa
Steven L. YeffaDecember 1973
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DeMolay provided me confidence and an extraordinary opportunity to thrive. Throughout my association with the Order of DeMolay, I became a more confident public speaker and fundamental skills that would later guide my life by living through the values I learned there.

Literally, everything. I met my future wife while I was in DeMolay. Through DeMolay I learned value-based principles and leadership skills that would later guide my life and business endeavors. Over the course of my career, I was able to reflect and draw upon fundamental skills I learned through DeMolay and my association with the Masonic fraternity, ultimately culminating with my becoming CEO of multinational organizations. Without DeMolay, I doubt this could have ever happened.

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