Member Resources

A lot of hard work goes into making a DeMolay Chapter great. Whether you’re working on getting new members, planning your installation, or working out the details of your term, our goal is to help you be successful.

You can find the resources divided into four areas: Files, Education, Honor & Awards, and Contacts.


Member's Resources

There are lots of moving pieces and parts to leading a DeMolay chapter. Here you will find the various information and forms, both required and recommended, to help you be successful in your chapter. You can get a copy of the Chapter Administration Handbook, find out how to order supplies, or find term planning checklists. Everything you need to run a successful chapter is right at your fingertips.

Use ⌘+F (mac) or Ctrl+F (windows) to search text on this page.

Installation Planning

An Open Installation ceremony is an occasion when the people of the community have an opportunity to observe DeMolay and form opinions concerning the Order and a particular Chapter. For this reason, every effort should be made ot have the ceremony well-planned so all events will take place smoothly.

Begin planning as soon as you are installed as Senior Councilor. Will there be a dance? A reception? Will you have pictures taken? Use the resources below to help you create a step-by-step plan for a successful installation.

Term Plannning

Term planning gives the Chapter a blueprint for action. A well-organized plan helps Chapter members and adult volunteers plan their time more efficiently.

It’s very important to include Chapter members when choosing activities for the term. Members who have helped decided which activities to plan will be more supportive than if they were just told what the Chapter would be doing.


DeMolay Scholarships

The DeMolay Foundation of California, Inc. is eager to be of assistance to DeMolay members who seek a higher education. For the DeMolay member who attends a four-year college or university, the annual scholarship is $3,000 per year. For those who attend a two-year college program or an accredited vocational school, the annual scholarship is $1500. New students are accepted in the program each year for the above two categories.

An applicant for a scholarship from the DeMolay Foundation of California Inc., must be in good standing in a Chapter of the Order of DeMolay located in Northern California, Hawaii, or Nevada (Washoe County).

Other scholarships:

LCC Courses

DeMolays, advisors, parents, sweethearts and friends are encouraged to take a set of five very enlightening courses that make up what we call the Leadership Correspondence Course. The LCC is designed to provide an overall picture of DeMolay is all about.

Please print the courses and complete all five courses in order. Please turn them in as you complete them.  At the top of each course please put your name, chapter and email address. You can email your course to or mail them to the Nor Cal office at Nor Cal DeMolay, 34400 Mission Blvd., Union City, CA 94587. The course will be evaluated and you will be sent the results. After completing and passing all five courses you will be notified and then will receive your Lamp of Knowledge pin and certificate.

If you have any questions, please email:

Advisor's Resources

Our NCDA Divisions and Chapters would not be successful without the hard work and support of our Advisors.  This area is for those adult supporters who give their time and talent to help make DeMolay the thriving organization it is.  Here you can find information, learn about the different Advisory Council positions, or reference the Chapter Administration Handbook.  If there is something you would like to see included here to make your role as an Advisor easier, drop us a line at

Complete Your Continuing Advisor Application by November 30

Adult Training and Certification – – – Adults who have decided to volunteer as an advisor must go to the DeMolay International website— and complete the Advisor Application. On the website–click on the Gold Button-Get Involved tab which will bring up a new screen-scroll down past the Application process to Step 3–Submit an Application-click on-Find your fit and apply–scroll down again past–I AM A… It has four different ways to join-Squire, DeMolay, Knighthood and Advisor-Click on the (gold wording)–“Become an Advisor” with the arrow. This will take you to the actual application that you will be asked to fill out.

New Advisors:

Please fill out the application entirely and then hit submit.  Be sure and approve the Validity section and answer all the required sections. The application process has Seven different steps or levels. You will:

Fill out the application and submit it

Pay the registration fee(explained below)

Application to the EO for Approval     

Complete Advisor training at DI

DI Background check completed

For CA -Complete Youth Protection Training

For CA-Complete Live Scan                                                                                                                                 


If you are a Senior DeMolay, former Advisor, or Honorary Legion of Honor recipient, you already have an account profile. Please contact the Nor Cal DeMolay office at (510) 489-6232 or to let them know you are going to be filling out the application. We will contact DeMolay International alerting them that you will be filling out an application-this will reactivate your account so you can view your application and fill it out. Please allow 24 hours for your application to show on your escribe account.

After the 24 hour period then you can select “click here” to move on to your application. This will be under your escribe account under Adult Registration and then click on “My Application” that will show on the left side of the screen. Click on it and please fill the application out. If you don’t know how to login to eScribe, please contact the Northern California DeMolay office at (510) 489-6232 or

Background Check – – – As a part of the Advisor application process described above, a background check will be conducted on each potential Advisor. This background check is administered by our international headquarters, DeMolay International and run through Validity. The fee for this background check is currently $55. After the initial year of service as an Advisor, the Advisor renewal registration fee will be $20. During the online training portion of the process, potential advisors will be introduced to the basic principles and procedures of DeMolay and receive instruction in the DeMolay Youth Protection Program.

Training-All Advisors, Employees and Staff serving DeMolay in the jurisdiction are required to complete Child Abuse Mandated Reporter Training for Volunteers to comply with DeMolay International’s Youth Protection Policy as well as the California Law AB 506 requirement that all youth serving organizations like DeMolay take steps to protect children. The required training is met by completing a free, 2 hour online course provided by the office of Child Abuse Prevention in the California State Department of Social Services at the following link:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Once completed, the advisor needs to send a PDF of the certificate of completion to Northern California DeMolay at:  This copy will be retained by the jurisdiction to show complianc3e with the youth protection policy and the state law.  Please note that if an advisor has previously completed (in the past year) the Child Abuse Mandated Reporter Training for Volunteers on behalf of another organization (i.e. Job’s Daughters, Rainbow for Girls, Boys Scouts, Girls Scouts, etc.) the certificate of completion may be provided to and used for DeMolay as well.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Added to the California State Law AB 506 is the mandated Live Scan for the Department of Justice and the Criminal Background check.  This must be done for each youth organization  you volunteer for. To receive the form you will be required to fill out-please email: and we will send you the correct form – our copy of the form BCIA 8016.  You may take it to any facility that offers the Live Scan service. Fees could vary. At some of our events we are trying to have Sunset Fingerprinting available to do the Live Scan for a nominal fee. The Youth Protection Course and Live Scan must be complete and the certificate/notification submitted within 30 days after you become an Advisor                                                                                                                                        Any questions please email the Nor Cal Office at:     

THANK YOU for being an Advisor for the Masonic Youth!                    


Sweetheart's Resources

Sweethearts can be an important and fun part of the DeMolay program. They must be able to work well with the DeMolays, Advisory Council and the other fellow Masonic Youth Orders. A cooperative attitude, flexibility, and a friendly personality are very important. An enthusiastic Sweetheart can make all the difference in the success of a chapter. Sweethearts act as a liaison between the Chapter and the local Assemblies and Bethels. We hope that you will devote the required time and effort to this experience.


Education and knowledge are key to your development as a person and as a member of DeMolay. Here are some great resources to deepen your understanding of what it means to be a DeMolay member.

The history of DeMolay is unique and exciting.

Learn more about the beginnings of DeMolay.

Honor & Awards

Everyone likes to receive recognition. To acknowledge excellence, DeMolay has provided numerous honors and awards for the official recognition of service and achievements. It’s important to remember that there is a difference between an award and an honor. An award is an achievement to be worked toward, a goal or a recognition to be earned. You can apply for an award.  An  honor is granted without the recipient knowing about it until it is announced. DeMolay honors must be voted on by the International Supreme Council as a whole. There are honors and awards for Active DeMolays, Senior DeMolays, Adult Volunteers and anyone else who provides special service to a DeMolay or DeMolay Chapter.

Learn More

An Advisor who wears the Cross of Honor has received a distinctive honor that can only be given by DeMolay International to a member of an Advisory Council or a personal representative of an Executive Officer. It denotes three or more years of conspicuous meritorious service to a Chapter or jurisdiction, and exceptionally outstanding efforts on behalf of DeMolay.

Recommendations are made by the Advisory Council to the Executive Officer, who nominates individuals for this honor. Nomination forms are available from the Executive Officer, who must receive them by his deadline. Each year a nomination fee is established by the Grand Secretary. The fee covers processing and regalia. The fee is submitted with the completed nomination form to the Executive Officer. He forwards the nomination to DeMolay International, whose unanimous vote at the annual Session is required to grant the honor.

The Degree of Chevalier is the highest honor that an Active DeMolay can receive. This honor also may be granted to a Senior DeMolay. The Degree is a citation for outstanding and marked DeMolay Activity and labor. The Nominee must be a minimum of 16 years of age, with Executive Officer approval, on January 15th of the year nominated, and have been a member in good standing for at least two years as of that date.

The degree cannot be applied for, and the nomination is made without the knowledge of the DeMolay to be honored. The unanimous vote of DeMolay International at its regular Session is required to elect a nominee.

Recommendations are made by Advisory Councils to the Executive Officer of the Jurisdiction. Nomination forms are available from the Executive Officer. The nominations must be received by the Executive Officer’s deadline. Each year a nomination fee is established by the Grand Secretary, the fee covers processing and regalia. Fees must be submitted with a completed nomination form to the Executive Officer. The investiture ceremony must take place within one year from the date of election.

The Legion of Honor is the highest honor conferred by DeMolay International. It’s conferred on a Senior DeMolay for outstanding leadership in some field of endeavor or for success in fraternal life, including adult service to DeMolay. Nominees must be over 25 years of age before January 15th of the nominating year. No one may apply for this distinction, and a nominee, or the membership of a Chapter, must have no knowledge of the recommendation by the Advisory Council. Failure to observe secrecy in making this nomination subjects the nominee to penalty of not being considered. Nomination forms are available from the Executive Officer. The nominations must be received by the Executive Officer’s deadline. Each year a nomination fee is established by the Grand Secretary. The fee covers processing and regalia, but does not include the ring available from the DeMolay and More Store. The fee is submitted with the completed nomination form to the Executive Officer. If approved by the Executive Officer, the nomination will be referred to DeMolay International, whose unanimous vote is required to receive this honor.

Honorary Legion of Honor

DeMolay International may confer this honor on a Mason over 30 years of age who has performed unusual and meritorious service on behalf of DeMolay, or who has evidenced a spirit of cooperation and appreciation for the Order of DeMolay. He does not have to be a Senior DeMolay. No one may apply for this distinction. Nominations for the Honorary Legion of Honor are handled in the same manner as Legion of Honor nominations. A ring is also available.

Merit Bars primarily are awards that recognize DeMolays for achievement in some phase of Chapter activity or in their personal lives while members of DeMolay. Merit Bars are awarded to individual members on the recommendation of the Awards Advisor. The Advisory Council makes a final decision about whether an individual has met the requirements for each bar.

Each Merit Bar is produced in five colors. Each color designates the number of times a DeMolay has received a bar in that category. The color designations are:

1st Award – White

2nd Award – Red

3rd Award – Blue

4th Award – Purple

5th Award – Gold

The categories in which Merit Bars are awarded through DeMolay International are Athletics, Attendance, Civic Service, Conclave, Correspondence Course, Fine Art, Fund Raising, Installing, Journalism, Masonic Attendance, Masonic Service, Membership, Merit, Priory, Religion, Ritual, Scholastic, and Visitation.


Contacts at NCDA

You’ve heard it before. It takes teamwork to succeed… in the game, on the job and in life. No one can do everything all by himself. The same is true for your DeMolay Chapter. In fact, it takes more than one team of willing workers behing every succesful chapter — and the Jurisdiction.

Use the links below to access the contact information for all NCDA and Divisional Officers, the Executive Leaders and others. You can also find chapter meeting times and directions here.

Additional Contacts

Nick Bonnin, Lamorinda Chapter

Master Councilor

Peter Thompson, Roseville Chapter

Deputy Master Councilor

Ian Kirkpatrick, Roseville Chapter

Senior Councilor

Takoda Gochenouer, Antioch Chapter

Junior Councilor

Lauren Romard – Santa Clara Chapter


Assistant to the Jurisdiction Officers
ZacH Goldfarb  –  Roseville Chapter

Ritual Coordinator

Terry L. Peters

Executive Officer
(925) 963-0622 (cell)


Michael Stern

Assistant Executive Officer
(209) 470-4793 (cell)


David E. Killmer (Dave)

Jurisdictional Advisor, Assistant Executive Officer
(916) 765-0817 (cell)


Amanda Leiner

Jurisdictional Sweetheart Advisor
(775) 233-6617 (cell)

David Clements

Convention Director
(209) 679-2851(cell)


Corinne Foster

Parents Club Coordinator
(916) 412-4085 (cell)


Ed Barney

Alumni Director
(650) 291-1112 (cell)


Ben Porter

Philanthropic Director


Steve Kolden

Jurisdiction Ritual Director
(510) 409-6118 (cell)


Brenda Stern

Squire Director
(209) 470-5101 (cell)

James Banta

Executive Director
(925) 405-2219 (cell)

Gayle Hatcher

Office Manager
(510) 489-6232 (office)

David A. Coleman

Finance Director
(559) 313-0781 (cell)

Ben Turconi

DLC Director
() – (cell)

Tamara McMillan

SLC Director
(403) 993-2095 (cell)

Marcy Christensen

P.R.I.D.E. Director
(650) 400-5885 (cell)

Steve Yeffa

Director of Legion of Honor Preceptories and Courts of Chevalier

Richard Fonseca

Special Event Director
(707) 481-1242

Northern California DeMolay is organized into five smaller divisions. The divisions have their own advisors and elected officers that are installed at convention each year. If you are a divisional officer and your contact information is not listed, please submit the contact release form. Choose the division to view the officers and Chapters contained within that division:

Paulo Cabral
cell (510) 571-9248

Daniel Moy
cell (925) 980-8524

Anirudh Nayak
cell (408) 470-9663

Tasha Schneider
cell (510) 999-0338


Curt Conyers
510-333-6233 (cell)


Jill Shanmugasundaram
cell (650) 714-1366

Steven DiMaggio
cell (775) 475-1783

Emily Lehman
cell (775) 391-1581

Jonora Smiley
cell (775) 298-9755

Daniel Cherry
(916) 843-4063

Julie Cherry
(916) 826-4449

Jack Joseph
cell (209) 747-1209

Charlsie Green
cell (510) 910-8457

Eliseo Paniagua
cell (209) 423-9420

Northern California DeMolay Jurisdictional Office

Jurisdictional Office
34400 Mission Blvd.
Union City, CA  94587

7:30 am to 12:30 pm
Monday – Friday

Telephone: (510) 489-6232
Toll-Free:    (800) HEY-NCDA or (800) 439-6232
Fax:            (510) 266-1589

E-Mail Address:
Web Site Address:

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