Hall of Fame

One hundred years ago, Frank Land and 9 young men, met at the Kansas City Scottish Rite to form a club for boys.  That small club quickly grew to become a world-wide movement for youth.  As DeMolay expanded, it welcomed millions into its ranks and nourished many who would become future leaders and men of character.  And, among those millions, a few made such a difference that they are deserving of an exceptional tribute.


Therefore, Northern California DeMolay has created a Hall of Fame to recognize Senior DeMolays from around the jurisdiction for extraordinary accomplishment and service to humanity.  The Hall of Fame will also include a special category, “The Builders”, to acknowledge those who were never DeMolays but so embraced DeMolay’s vision and mission that they are deserving of special praise for their advancement of the fraternity.

The members of the Northern California DeMolay Hall of Fame are:

Robert B. “Bob” Mathias

Olympic Gold Medalist and Congressman

At the age of seventeen, Bob Mathias accomplished what many athletes are unable to achieve in their whole career – he won an Olympic gold medal. The 1948 gold medal in the decathlon made him the youngest winner ever of an Olympic track and field event.  And, it was a springboard for an outstanding athletic and political career. 

Mathias was a natural athlete. During high school, he played basketball for four years, competed on the football team for three years, and ran track. He competed in events including the discus, shot put, high hurdles, high jump, and sprints. His track coach suggested that Mathias compete in a decathlon, a ten-event competition. Starting with his 1948 Olympic win, Mathias, four years later, became the first to win consecutive Olympic decathlons. In his career, Mathias won eleven decathlon events, four national AAU championships, and, three times, set world records. In 1952, while attending Stanford University, Mathias set another record; he was the first to compete in the Olympics and the Rose Bowl in the same year. Stanford lost the Rose Bowl, but Mathias won his second Olympic gold medal in the decathlon, the first person in history to win two gold medals in the sport.

At age 21, Mathias retired as an athlete. He had recently married, and had to earn a living. He joined the Marines in 1954, and served as captain of the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves until 1965. In November 1966, Mathias was elected to Congress. He served for four terms as the congressman from California. From 1977-1983 he was the director of the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado. In 1983, he was inducted into the U.S. Olympic Hall of Fame, as a member of the first class of inductees. In 1984, he started Bob Mathias, Inc., where he served as president. He retired at age 68 in Fresno, California. 

Mathias was initiated into Tulare Chapter DeMolay in Tulare, California, in 1945. He is a Legion of Honor recipient and a Chevalier. Mathias was inducted into the DeMolay Hall of Fame on April 14, 1989. 

He stated:

“My experiences in DeMolay most certainly were greatly beneficial in my career in sports, politics, and now, in the business world. I am grateful that DeMolay helped me learn many important values that have always remained with me. “

John Steinbeck

Nobel and Pulitzer Prize Winning Author

Steinbeck was born in Salinas, California. His father was the county treasurer; his mother, a former school teacher. It was his mother who fostered Steinbeck’s love of reading and writing. In 1919, after graduating from high school, Steinbeck attended Stanford University, taking writing classes.  He left Stanford in 1925, without a degree, to pursue a writing career in New York. Unsuccessful in getting published, he returned to California.

His first novel, Cup of Gold, and two subsequent novels, The Pastures of Heaven and To a God Unknown, were not well received. In 1935, Tortilla Flat marked a turning point for Steinbeck’s career. It received the California Commonwealth Club’s Gold Medal for best novel by a California author. In 1939, The Grapes of Wrath won the Pulitzer Prize.

Steinbeck’s thirty-three major works included seventeen novels (three adapted for stage and thirteen made into films), three original screen plays, and four books of short stories. His most notable works include: Tortilla Flat, 1935; Of Mice and Men, 1937; The Red Pony, 1937; The Grapes of Wrath, 1939; Cannery Row, 1945; East of Eden, 1952; and Travels with Charley:  In Search of America, 1962. Steinbeck was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1962 ” for his realistic as well as imaginative writings, distinguished by a sympathetic humor and a keen social perception.”

Steinbeck was a charter member of Watsonville Chapter DeMolay in Watsonville, California, in 1921. He was inducted into the DeMolay Hall of Fame on June 16, 1995.

A quote from the DeMolay Cordon in March 1969 says it all. “Although Dad Steinbeck was an unwilling celebrity who zealously guarded his privacy, he retained interest in and regard for the Order of DeMolay. At the time of his death, he was serving on the Executive Advisory Committee of our 50th Anniversary.”

In Travels with Charley:  In Search of America, Brother Steinbeck wrote:

“We value virtue but do not discuss it. The honest bookkeeper, the faithful wife, the earnest scholar get little of our attention compared to the embezzler, the tramp, the cheat.”

He reminds each of us of the need to share and proclaim daily the precepts of DeMolay.

Alex G. Spanos

Accomplished Businessman and Philanthropist

Alex Spanos rose from humble beginnings to become a corporate giant and philanthropist.  After high school, Spanos joined the U.S. Army Air Force. He was honorably discharged in 1946. In 1948, he married Faye Papakalis. He was working at his father’s bakery, making only $40 per week. In 1951, he told his father that he couldn’t live on $40 per week and asked for a raise. Spanos was denied, so he quit. He says that his father’s denial of a raise was the biggest motivating factor in his life. 

Alex bought an old truck and began selling lunches to migrant farmers. Alex and Faye worked seven days a week. From his savings, he began to invest in real estate. Later on, Spanos turned to construction, and became a giant in the construction and developing industry. Spanos was one of the top builder’s in the nation. In 1984, Spanos purchased the NFL team, The San Diego Chargers.

Family was always most important to Brother Spanos. He and Faye had four children, who help run the families’ multiple companies. Spanos was a philanthropist, serving on many community organizations.  He also funded scholarships, held benefits (some bringing in a million dollars for children’s hospitals), and contributed to victims of natural disasters. But Spanos went above and beyond all that. In 1995, he sent his personal airplane to South Carolina to bring home two little boys who had been abducted; in 1996, he came to the rescue of a Stockton woman who was stranded in a Cambodian hospital after being badly burned in an accident while serving as a volunteer teacher.

All of the awards and honors Spanos has received are too numerous to list. Highlights include Stocktonian of the Year, 1980; KCCH by the Scottish Rite, 1981; Horatio Alger Award, 1982; Aristotelian Award Order of AHEPA, 1984; Ellis Island Medal of Honor, 1986; Boy Scouts Man of the Year, San Joaquin Chapter, 1987; Golden Achievement Award, San Diego Boys and Girls Club, 1995.

Alex G. Spanos was initiated into Stockton Chapter DeMolay in Stockton, California, in 1940. He received his Masonic 33rd Degree in 1995. He also belongs to the Ben Ali Shrine in Sacramento, California. Spanos received the Legion of Honor in 1996 and was inducted into the DeMolay Hall of Fame on June 13, 1997. 


Brother Spanos noted:

“Family and country mean everything to me. A person is taught values such as these during the early years of growing up, and I am tremendously grateful to DeMolay for what I have learned and treasured all my life. “

Richard King

Attorney and Past President of Rotary International

Richard King did not simply join a local chapter of DeMolay when he was initiated in 1955. He became the Charter Master Councilor of the new San Lorenzo Chapter in California. He was to enter the University of California at Berkeley that fall at the age of 16. King received the Chevalier and Legion of Honor while still in University. King was well-known in DeMolay chapters throughout California for his stirring rendition of the DeMolay Flower Talk. He often served as the Installing Officer for Chapter Installations. 

King graduated from U.C. Berkeley in 1959 (where he served as the first vice-president of the student body) and went on to law school. After graduating from Boalt Hall Law School in 1962, Richard King taught both English and Business Law at Brigham Young University. In 1963, King served for two years on active duty with the U.S. Army in Military Intelligence, attaining the rank of Captain. He was admitted to practice law in both California and Utah in 1963. A top-rated lawyer, Richard King founded a law firm. 

King has long been involved in public service and charitable organizations.  He was recognized in 1980 by 50 different organizations for his contributions as well as the President of the United States. 

He has served in leadership roles in the Rotary Club most of his adult life.  He has been a Club President, District Governor, Trustee of the Rotary Foundation, International Director, Chairman of the Executive Committee, and the world President of Rotary International. King’s term produced the single largest growth year in Rotary’s 98-year history. At the end of his 2001-2002 term, Rotary membership stood at an all-time record of 1,243,431 in 204 countries and geographic regions.

Richard performed professionally as a singer and actor in his own shows in Las Vegas and in leading roles of West Coast productions of Broadway musicals. All his adult life, King has been an acclaimed motivational speaker and has addressed audiences in every state and in over 100 countries.

Brother Richard King became the charter Master Councilor of San Lorenzo Chapter and is a recipient of the Legion of Honor and Chevalier. He was inducted into the DeMolay Hall of Fame on June 21, 2003.

Dean A. Spanos

Owner and Chairman of the Board of the Los Angeles Chargers

As owner and Chairman of the Board for the National Football League franchise, the Los Angeles Chargers, Dean Spanos is a respected leader in business and the community.

Dean worked with his father, Alex Spanos, founder of A.G. Spanos Company, with ten companies bearing the Spanos name, since the early 1970s. Dean served as president of all the Spanos corporate entities and as vice chairman of the AGS Financial Corporation. When his father purchased majority interest in the San Diego Charges in 1984, Dean began working behind the scenes. In 1994, he became the President and CEO of the San Diego Chargers, overseeing the business and football operations.

Dean is a pillar in the San Diego business and civic community, continuing the long-standing tradition of community support by the Spanos family and the Chargers. Dean created the program “Chargers Champions” that benefit students, schools, and educators through scholarships and grants. He also created “Touchdowns for Youth,” a program to reward students with outstanding attendance by using Chargers tickets as incentives, which helped the San Diego County Schools attain an increase in state funding. Dean is on the Board of Directors of the San Diego International Sports Council, the San Diego Economic Development Corporation, the Greater San Diego Chamber of Commerce as well as the San Diego Inner-City Games. He is also a major contributor and supporter of Children’s Hospital, American Cancer Society, Huntington’s disease Society of America, and the United Way. The San Diego Hall of Champions Sports Museum named Dean and Susie Spanos their Community Champions in 2001. Dean received the Ellis Island Medal of Honor in 2002.

Dean A. Spanos was initiated into Acacia Chapter DeMolay in Stockton, California. He was inducted into the DeMolay International Hall of Fame on June 21, 2003. 

Dean provided this thought on DeMolay:

“My experiences with DeMolay were invaluable in providing me with a guiding path to success in every aspect of my life, including as a husband, father, and businessman. For that I am eternally grateful.”

Thomas W. Moberly

Devoted DeMolay Professional and Beloved Mentor

 “Dad” Thomas W. Moberly has devoted nearly his entire life to the support and advancement of the Order of DeMolay.

Tom joined Ferndale Chapter, Order of DeMolay in 1952.  He served as Master Councilor and State Scribe.  He received the Fidelity Cross in 1961 for his contributions to Michigan DeMolay.

Following graduation from Lincoln High School in Ferndale, Michigan, Tom studied at Wayne State University.  Struggling to find his passion, he left school and joined the U.S. Army.  He took training to become an office clerk and overcame early discrimination against one-fingered typists to serve his country.

After discharge from the Army in 1966, “Dad” Moberly learned of a position opening at the DeMolay Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri.  He went to work and quickly rose to become the Director of Activities and Field Relations for the Order of DeMolay.  In 1981, he came out west to California and became the Executive Director of Northern California DeMolay serving for thirty-three years before retiring.  “Dad” Moberly may have retired, but he never left DeMolay.

Tom has been a Master Mason for over 50 years.  He has been recognized by every major Masonic organization at some point during his Masonic journey.  In 2012, the Grand Master of Masons in California presented “Dad” Moberly the Grand Master’s Youth Support Award.  He is an Honorary Member of the International Supreme Council of DeMolay International.  For his lifetime of achievements and impact on youth the world over, the Grand Lodge of California and Most Worshipful David Perry, Grand Master, named Thomas W. Moberly “The Mason of the Year”.  Only thirteen other Master Masons in the past 168 years have been so honored.

“Dad” Moberly reminds us all that:

“You get out of DeMolay what you put into it. In my lifetime, I have received a lot more from DeMolay than I ever put into it. My lasting friendships and fond memories of watching great young men become great adult leaders is more than I can repay. I only hope that my involvement has helped the DeMolay’s that I have met and influenced, reach their full potential.”

William A. Hoover

US Army Sergeant (Retired) and Recipient of the Bronze Star w/Valor and Purple Heart

William A. Hoover was born in Sacramento and grew up in California’s Central Valley.  His family experienced significant difficulties during his early childhood, and young Will ended up spending much of his youth growing up under his grandmother’s care.  Despite many challenges that would have held back others and sent them down the “wrong” path, Will displayed an intense sense of responsibility and an irrepressible spirit.  He was destined

He participated in the typical activities of a healthy, active young man such as little league baseball.  During high school, Will showed amazing athletic skill and talent.  He became a standout football player and track & field star for Luther Burbank High School. By his senior year, Will was named an all-star football player earning the distinction of being named to the all-Metro League team.  His prowess in as a track & field athlete earned him over 270 gold medals in various competitions over his high school career.  Will was also a standout student who attended his district’s technology magnate high school, New Tech.

While busy over achieving on the athletic field and in the classroom, Will still found time to join DeMolay.  As an active member of Elk Grove Chapter, he held various offices and rose to become his chapter’s Master Councilor.  

Will’s sense of responsibility and patriotism, drew him into military service.  He joined the U.S. Army and trained to become part of an elite security force.  Will participated in three tours of duty.  His final tour tested not only his commitment to duty and his bravery, but also his will to survive.  He and a group of high ranking military leaders including a U.S. Army Major General and various other allied military leaders, came under attack by a sniper.  Responding as trained, Will moved to safeguard those under his protection.  His primary assignment was cut down by the shooter, but others in the group still required his assistance.  He placed his body between the shooter and his targets and returned fire.  He took nine bullets in defense of those under his protection.  For his sacrifice and bravery, he received the Purple Heart and a Bronze Star with Valor, the military’s fourth highest award in its gift for valor and bravery.

Will’s actions on that day in Kabul, Afghanistan, altered his life forever. While he survived the brutal attack, his body sustained such damage and trauma that he was forced to retire from the military. 

Today, Will is pursuing an education and creating new goals.  His involvement with DeMolay reinforced his internal values and helped him find a support system that will be with him his whole life.  

He shared this thought on his DeMolay experience:

 “I didn’t grow up with a brother or father, but being in DeMolay I gained more brothers and fathers than I could have imagined. DeMolay gave me a second family that I will cherish, and now I’m honored to be an inspiration to future generations.”

John L. Wixon

Educator and first Executive Officer for Northern California DeMolay

Like many advisors, John L. Wixon came to know DeMolay from his involvement in Masonry and his sons’ lives.  While his initial motives may have been the growth and development of his own sons, he would end up impacting and improving the lives of thousands of young men who came to know him as “Dad”.

John Wixon began a career in education that would span four decades.  He received a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Colorado University.  By the start of the 1950’s, he was an English teacher and Academic Counselor at the Contra Costa Junior College in Richmond, California.  John would go on to lead the college’s Occupational and Extended Day programs.  He retired as the Assistant Dean of the college.  In addition, he served as a Disputes Officer and Arbitrator for the National War Labor Board and as a Vocational Rehabilitation Officer for the Veteran’s Administration.

John and his wife, Lyla, lived and raised their family in Richmond, California.  They became important members of the community and were active members of the United Church of Christ in El Cerrito.  John joined the El Cerrito Rotary Club and served as the club’s president.  He went on to serve on numerous state and regional civic and educational boards.  For his community involvement, he was recognized in “Who’s Who in the West”.

By 1953, John, an active Mason, had served as Master of El Cerrito Lodge No. 705 and Worthy Patron of Vista-Cerrito Chapter No. 586 of the Order of Eastern Star.  He was a member of the Northern California Research Lodge, the Richmond High Twelve Club, Aahmes Shrine, and the East Bay York Rite Bodies.  In 1961, he joined the Oakland Scottish Rite Bodies and was coroneted a 33° Inspector General Honorary in 1977.  For two years he chaired the Grand Lodge of California’s DeMolay Committee.

“Dad” Wixon helped to organize El Cerrito – Albany Chapter and served as its Chairman of the Advisory Council.  In 1959, he was appointed Executive Officer of the Western California Jurisdiction.  At the time, California was divided into three jurisdictions – Western California, Central California and Southern California.  He became an Active Member of the International Supreme Council.  And in 1963, he was appointed the first Executive Officer of Northern California.  Additionally, he served many years on the Executive Committee of the International Supreme Council.

“Dad” Wixon is held in awe by the DeMolays of the 1960s and 70s.  Ask anyone active with the jurisdiction while “Dad” Wixon was Executive Officer and they immediately share stories of the impact that he had on their DeMolay experience and lives.  

While “Dad” Land is the father and founder of DeMolay, “Dad” Wixon can rightly be honored as the father of Northern California DeMolay.  His leadership, organization, and inspiration are felt to this day in the jurisdiction.  He started Divisions, a robust jurisdiction and divisional officer program, and the DeMolay Foundation of California, Inc. The young men he elevated to leadership positions in the jurisdiction would become leaders in DeMolay, Masonry and every other field and endeavor.

Other Famous DeMolays

Walt Disney

Cartoonist & Founder - The Walt Disney Company

“I feel a great sense of obligation and gratitude toward the Order of DeMolay for the important part it played in my life. Its precepts have been invaluable in making decisions, facing dilemmas and crises. DeMolay stands for all that is good for the family and for our country. I feel privileged to have enjoyed membership in DeMolay.”

Bill Clinton

42nd President of the United States

“The Order of DeMolay has prepared young men to become better citizens and leaders for our country. My DeMolay experience gave me the confidence to develop my skills as a speaker, team member, and leader, and then to realize and accomplish my dreams. I will always be thankful for the guidance given to me by my friends in DeMolay. ”

John Wayne


“I was overwhelmed by the feeling of friendship, comradeship, and brotherhood. DeMolay will always hold a deep spot in my heart.

Neil Armstrong

Test Pilot, Astronaut, and First Human to Walk on the Moon

There are many Senior DeMolay members who have distinguished themselves as leaders in Government, Athletics / Sports, Entertainment, and a variety of other fields. Many have been named to the DeMolay Hall of Fame. (For more information, visit: https://beademolay.org/hall-of-fame/)

  • Alex Spanos
    Builder, Developer, NFL Tram Owner, Philanthropist, Civic Leader
  • Alvin Dark
    Baseball player and Manager
  • Billy Dicken
    Former Purdue University and Arena Football Quarterback
  • Bob Mathias
    Olympic Decathlon Champion (twice)
  • Buddy Ebsen
    Actor (Barnaby Jones/Beverly Hillbillies)
  • Burl Ives
    Singer and Actor
  • Carl O. Albert
    Speaker, House of Representatives
  • Carrol Campbell
    Governor, South Carolina
  • Charles Robb
    U.S. Senator, Virginia
  • Chet Huntley
    TV Newscaster
  • Col. James Nicholas Rowe
    Prisoner of War in Vietnam and Author
  • Dallas Green
    Baseball Manager
  • Dan Rather
    TV Newscaster
  • Danny White
    Football Quarterback
  • David Goodnow
    CNN Newscaster
  • Elmer Lower
    President, ABC News
  • Ernest Borgnine
  • Floyd A. Cailloux
  • Fran Tarkenton
    Football Hall of Fame member
  • Frank Borman
  • Gary Collins
    Actor and TV Personality
  • Greg Evigan
    Actor (My Two Dads)
  • Harmon Killebrew
    Baseball Hall of Fame member
  • Henry “Scoop” Jackson
    U.S. Senator, Washington
  • James H. Douglas
    Former Governor of Vermont
  • John Cameron Swayze
    TV/Radio pioneer
  • John P. McConnell
    General, USAF Chief of Staff
  • John Steinbeck
  • Larry Dee Wilcox
    Actor, best known for his role on “CHIPS” and Businessman
  • Mark Calaway
    Professional Wrestler for WWE, “The Undertaker”
  • Mark Hatfield
    Governor and U.S. Senator, Oregon
  • Mel Blanc
    Comic and voice actor for many characters, including Bugs Bunny
  • Mel Carnahan
    Former Governor of Missouri
  • Paul E. Tsongas
    U.S. Senator, Massachusetts Athletics/Sports
  • Paul Harvey
    Radio Newscaster
  • Pete Rose
    Former Baseball Player, Manager, and all-time hits leader
  • Raoul L. Frevel
    Sr. – Businessman, Civic and Masonic Leader
  • Red Barber
  • Reubin Askew
    Governor, Florida
  • Robert B. Anderson
    Secretary of the Treasury, U.S. Navy
  • Robert Wadlow
    The world’s recorded tallest human being, standing almost 9 ft. tall
  • Roy Clark
    Musician/Guitar Player
  • Terry Bradshaw
    NFL Quarterback, Pro Football Hall of Fame, Sports Broadcaster
  • Tom & Dick Smothers
    (Smothers Brothers), Entertainers
  • Van Johnson
  • Vance D. Brand
    Astronaut, Test Pilot
  • Vincent Damon Furnier
    Best Known as Rock Legend, “Alice Cooper”
  • Walter Cronkite
    TV Newscaster
  • Willard Scott
    TV Weatherman
  • William “Bill” Bradley
    U.S. Senator, New Jersey

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