Max Shanmugasundaram DeMolay Case Study

The first time I walked into Santa Clara Chapter, I was a shy and reserved 11-year-old. I had no idea what to expect. However, I did know that, number one, this new activity was taking me away from the Minecraft world I was exploring, and, number two, I was nervous. 

Will the people there like me? Will I like them? How boring is this going to be? Will I find a way to embarrass myself? 

These were the pressing questions racing through my 11-year-old brain as my mom and I entered the lodge dining room in Santa Clara. 

But, when we walked through those doors, we were greeted warmly. The advisors introduced themselves, and the chapter members dealt me into their game of UNO. I felt much more relaxed, and even started to have fun, but I was still a little nervous. 

Before the next game of UNO began, one of the members got up and asked if anyone wanted a soda. Then, I watched, amazed, as he walked to the back of the dining room to a fridge, stocked full of sparkling water, non-sparkling waters, and sodas, all for free! It was an eleven-year-old’s dream. Back then, I was an avid Pepsi drinker (I have since moved on to Dr. Pepper), so this miracle fridge really piqued my interest. 

So, I started coming back to DeMolay for the free soda. Then, I was coming for the board games. A little later, I was coming back for the people that would become my family, and for the joy they brought to those around them. 

Pretty soon, Santa Clara Chapter had grown to the point where we had enough members to hold our first installation (or inauguration) of officers. I was encouraged to run for Junior Councilor, the first of three in a progressive line of chapter leaders. One year later, in September 2019, I was installed as Santa Clara Chapter’s third Master Councilor. Now, I was coming back to DeMolay to be a leader. 

During my term as Master Councilor, Santa Clara Chapter thrived. We averaged two activities a week. We were getting out into the community, holding new events, welcoming new members, and having a great time doing it! Then, with two weeks left in the term, COVID reached our shores, and the world was placed on lockdown. 

The lockdown was a huge disappointment for us. After a term full of energy, we couldn’t enjoy the in-person DeMolay experience we loved so much. But, this was also an opportunity. For its members, advisors, and participants, Santa Clara Chapter became more important than ever. It was a refuge, a social outlet, and a family during a time of chaos and isolation. We rose to the occasion, and I am proud that Santa Clara has retained that same innovative spirit. 

COVID showed me how important DeMolay is, and I learned that I could make a real impact on others; a powerful realization for a young man who, just two years prior, would never have considered himself a leader. 

So, in November of 2020, I ran to be a Divisional Representative for the chapters in the Bay Area. I spent the next year growing as a leader and a person, supporting the brothers of our Division, and I started to realize how big our DeMolay family really is. 

Then, the next year, I was elected Northern California’s Jurisdictional Deputy Master Councilor (Vice President), further building my social and leadership skills while making lifelong friendships and memories. After my first year as a jurisdictional officer, I took another step in leadership, and was elected Northern California’s Jurisdictional Master Councilor (President). Leading our jurisdiction was one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of my life. I made friends around the world, greatly developed my leadership, public speaking, and planning abilities, and gained more self-confidence than ever before, all while doing what I love most: being a DeMolay. 

Now, I am running to be the next International Master Councilor, and I hope to continue my journey of service and leadership. Already as a candidate for the office, I have gotten to travel and meet new people, and if elected, I’ll give speeches around the world, learn about many different cultures and ideas, and learn so much more about leadership by presiding over an international body of youth leaders and voting on DeMolay International’s Board of Directors. 

DeMolay has done so much for me. At every level of the organization, I have grown immensely as a person and developed as a leader, and I’ve had a blast every step of the way! That shy eleven-year-old who joined Santa Clara Chapter for the free soda would never have dreamed he would come this far. If DeMolay can have this kind of impact on him, just imagine what it can do for you or a young man in your life.

          On June 22, 2024 Max was elected to serve DeMolay International as its 
                                         58th International Master Councilor

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