Northern California DeMolay’s Membership Program is strategically designed to attract new members, retain existing ones, and develop vital leadership skills – not just for DeMolay success but for life. Aligning with DeMolay International’s approach, our robust program fuels the “Circle of Success” by empowering members to envision and execute fun, engaging events that spark community interest and drive continual growth.
The program equips members with invaluable training in areas like brainstorming, time management, organization, delegation and promotion. Through hands-on event planning, DeMolays gain practical experience mastering these essential skills. As they organize entertaining chapter activities, young men learn how to effectively market their vision, boosting attendance and membership.
From setting achievable membership goals to data-driven recruitment strategies, our comprehensive program supports each step. Members receive guidance on public speaking, community outreach and networking – abilities that will benefit them far beyond DeMolay. By immersing youth in this full cycle of event conceptualization, marketing and delivery, the Membership Program cultivates a well-rounded arsenal of real-world proficiencies.
Northern California DeMolay’s robust Membership Program equips participants with a robust set of skills that foster personal growth and leadership abilities to thrive in DeMolay and beyond. As they create memorable experiences that inspire joined involvement, young men undergo a transformative journey priming them for future success.